Welcome to Episode 24 in my 2024 Monday Music Matters:  Song-A-Week series of stories in memory and in honour of my daughter, Kait.

This is such a fun song to sing – I remember when I wrote it for Kait when she was a young girl. 

Link to Song: What Would I Do Without You?

Kait was such a joyous youngster full of life, laughter, curiosity and always on the go.  No surprise to anyone who came to know her over the years.

I have such mixed feelings listening to this recording now.  The song takes me back to her younger carefree days and describes how blessed I felt to be her Mom.  There is of course such a great sadness I carry with me always that she is no longer here.  At the same time, I do feel blessed that I had the honour of being her Mom for those 23 years.  

Hope you enjoy this song and maybe play it for your children as you count your blessings.

Read more stories & hear more songs on my Stories page:

Link to More Stories and Songs

The first story, Malaika, gives you a bit of a background of why I embarked on this 52 week journey.

Don’t forget to subscribe to my new children’s channel on YouTube:

Link: Children’s channel on YouTube

Here is a link to Kait’s Comfort Kits which were created to bring some comforts of home to long term hospital patients with a focus on cancer patients

Website Link: Kait’s Comfort Kits