Hard to believe that 10 months have gone by. Really – I can hardly wrap my brain around it. Still feels surreal at times. Most times. But I have discovered that if I keep busy enough then I can outrun the grief for a while at least. So I have been really productive these past couple of weeks creating slideshow videos. But in reality, there is no use running because it still manages to find you at the most unexpected moments.

This song, “Kiss Me Under A Shining Sun”, is one very close to my heart. Kait and I wrote the lyrics and a HUGE heartfelt thanks goes to The Starpainters who recorded the song: Andy Sparling (trombone + melody), David Reed (guitar), Howard Baer (bass + arrangement), Lenni Stewart (vocals), Ken Harnden of Pinnacle Music Studios and Katrien Reed (cover design).

They all donated their time, talent to the project as their contribution to Kait’s Comfort Kits – (you can read more about the kits under the tab at the top right.)

The song is now available at Spotify, iTunes, Amazon and just about everywhere that sells music. Thank you for supporting what we create! Music matters.

I created this video below to accompany the song – please feel free to share & help spread the word. All proceeds from online digital sales (only available online) are going to Kait’s Comfort Kits.

So Kait my sweet – this marker day I have decided to launch our song with a little help from our friends. I feel you closer than ever these days. XO

Enjoy & feel free to share