Artwork by Jessica Bell and her 2 sons, Aiden, 11 and Isaac, 8

Welcome to Episode 4 in my 2024 Monday Music Matters “Song-A-Week” series of songs and stories in memory & in honour of my daughter, Kait.

Song link:  Lalaby Waltz

You might be asking yourself what is a Lalaby?  Not sure if I made up this word but when I finished writing this lullaby with the lyrics “LaLaLaLa” it just made sense to call it that.

It’s a whimsical tune that came to me and wouldn’t leave my head until I sang it into my phone.  The magic happened in the studio when I asked Kait to record it with me. The whimsical harmonies were all created by her, once again, on the spot and in the moment.

I so love the original hot air balloon artwork up above by Jessica Bell and her two sons, Aiden (11) and Isaac (8). I really think they created a lovely visual for Lalaby Waltz.  

James, Isaac, Jessica, Aiden

Kait introduced me to Studio Ghibli and the wonderful music of Joe Hisaishi which inspired this song.  I have so many wonderful memories of snuggling up with Kait and binge-watching these magnificent anime videos.

Website link: Joe Hisaishi

I know I am a bit biased but…I think Lalaby Waltz would also make a wonderful soundtrack for a movie.  Maybe one of you reading this knows someone who knows someone…

No matter where Lalaby Waltz ends up, my true desire is that it puts a whimsical smile in your heart.

Feel free to read the first 3 stories in the Song–Week series by clicking here below:

Mother Goose Groove
Hello Sunshine

The first story in the series, Malaika, gives you a bit of a background story on why I embarked on this 52 week journey.

Here is a link to Kait’s Comfort Kits which were created to bring some comforts of home to long term hospital patients with a focus on cancer patients

Website Link: Kait’s Comfort Kits